SUE JACKSON Therapist | Writer | Photographer | Activist

An avid blogger for the last fifteen years, I believe in the power of the word to change the world. I have participated in, and reported on, a range of protests during this period, including the successful East-West Link campaign and, more recently, our wonderful, home-grown Extinction Rebellion (XR). If you believe, like I do, that it is time for ordinary people to rise up in defence of the planet, I encourage you to explore this blog, share it with your networks, and – of course – take action.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

'At Home' Tunnel Picket: Brunswick Street Saturday

Picket table

On a chilly Easter Saturday we tunnel picketers set up our table at lunch time in the middle of our heartland - Brunswick Street.

Socialist Councillor Stephen Jolly joined us

We spent our time chatting and debating with passers by, promoting the upcoming rally and inviting contributions to our fighting fund.  

Mother and son picketers

Today was an easy gig, but I couldn't help recalling that only a few months back the very corner on which people were handing out leaflets (above) was the site of a very different scene, as the government's agents attempted to muzzle our opposition via intimidation:

Strong arm tactics

Thankfully we are enjoying a break from such distressing starts to our days. So today we were free to do more pleasant things, like photographing passing supporters to add to our soon-to-be Tumblr photo petition:

Bevy of beautiful supporters

Reminiscing about some of the weird experiences we have had over the last months: like the time that a police officer, obviously frustrated out of his brain by our persistence, and spotting Andrew leaving after a morning of successful picketing, presented him with an on-the-spot fine for the heinous crime of failing to have a bicycle bell. The officer took this action near a bike path with similarly deficient cyclists streaming past. But Andrew had his revenge. He is now the proud owner of the most glorious golden bell.

Anthony paying homage to Andrew's bell

We took time to admire the new street signage adjacent to our caravan:

Sign of things to come

Spotting this sign reminded me that further support for our position on the contentious issue of the Labor Party 'honouring the contracts' came from an important source earlier this week. Dr Nick Seddon, an expert on government contracts, speaking at a legal forum, was emphatic that there would be nothing to prevent the Labor Party from simply ripping up the contracts should they win the next election. It's beginning to look like the Labor Party has nowhere left to hide.
If we put the bunnies and chocolates to one side for a moment, the Easter message is all about regeneration and ultimate triumph against political force and against the odds. It couldn't be a better message for opponents of the East-West Link, so here's to a Happy Easter!


Blogger MR.GRIM said...

That looks like a great way to spend the arvo :)

1:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It might be good fun getting back to the picket and the caravan but this blog has minimised and made light of the colossal effort community groups including our groups - Protectors of Public Lands Victoria Inc and the Royal Park Protection Group - plus Councils (Yarra, Moonee Valley, Melbourne, and Moreland) made over the Victorian Planning Panel Review Committee hearing of the CIS of the East West Link. It concluded last Tuesday.It took 6 weeks out of my life. I and our legal counsel and many others, including the stalwarts on the blog team which documented proceedings, attended most of every single day. In my view it was worth it making the last stand for Royal Park, for our inner city, for those people with homes such as the Collingwood residents threatened with demolition and reinforcing the call for public transportnot tunnels. . You called it a dud review but it was elevated by the immensely professional and passionate community presentations.There were over 1,400 submissions made including 70 community groups and only a few were pro EW Link.(only the RACV and a few of their buddies) Our legal Counsel presented 3 submissions - one was representing PPL VIC and RPPG which we had planned to do - but the opening and closing submisssions were made on behalf of all community group submitters. The Panel decided to save time by throwing groups in together (hot tubbing was the unsavoury term used by the Committee) and decided without any advance consultation or notice to hijack our barrister for the job. He (and us therefore his clients RPPG and PPL VIC) were required to make opening and closing submissions for the community but the Panel has offered no financial recompense.So if you see us with begging bowls round picket sites you will know why we have been reduced to penury.. We agree with the banner displayed near the caravan ALP MUST RIP UP THE CONTRACTS and consider that campaigns telling all ALP MPs and especially those in marginal seats that the wrath of the community opposed to the monstrous EW Link will be directed against them unless they agree NOT to honour the project contracts The seats of Melbourne, Richmond and Brunswick spring to mind immediately. I hope all have a restful break over Easter after enduring the tortuous weeks in the confines of the second rate Mercure Hotel listening to what we regarded as second rate LMA propagandists for the EW Link. Julianne Bell PPL VIC

5:23 AM  
Blogger Sue Jackson said...

Hi Julianne,
This current post is not about the Hearings, which I have never described as a 'dud review'. I have elsewhere referred to 'the dud East-West Link project', so I think there has been a misunderstanding. This post neither minimizes nor makes light of the Hearings, as it is not about them at all.
In fact I have great respect for the enormous efforts of the Protectors of Public Lands, Royal Park Protection Group and the numerous other presenters, including my fellow Tunnel Picketers, to the Panel. I have lauded their awe-inspiring efforts in earlier posts, on days when I have taken time out from work to attend the Hearings myself and post about them afterwards. I repeat, I think you and your organisation have done a fantastic job.
This post is about an entirely different area of our shared struggle. It simply aims to keep the many divergent groups united in their opposition to the East-West Link informed about what the Tunnel Picketers are up to.

6:55 AM  

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