SUE JACKSON Therapist | Writer | Photographer | Activist

An avid blogger for the last fifteen years, I believe in the power of the word to change the world. I have participated in, and reported on, a range of protests during this period, including the successful East-West Link campaign and, more recently, our wonderful, home-grown Extinction Rebellion (XR). If you believe, like I do, that it is time for ordinary people to rise up in defence of the planet, I encourage you to explore this blog, share it with your networks, and – of course – take action.

Friday, May 21, 2021

School Strike for Climate. Melbourne CBD

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The School Strike for Climate in the Treasury Gardens this afternoon was huge. The Unions were there, as was XR, the Climate Choir, politicians, the media, teachers, parents, grandparents and others. 


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But of course the stars of the day were the school students. Both secondary and primary, from schools all over Melbourne and beyond, they were there in their thousands. Representatives spoke with passion of their determination to fight for a better world, and they received tremendous support from the audience.

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As the students put it in the flyer advertising the protest: 'It's been over a year since School Strike 4 Climate last took to the streets in protest of our leaders' shameful inaction on climate change.... What do we want? Climate action! When do we want it? Now!'




Blogger Alison L-N said...

Great photos, Sue. We certainly are being led by the Youth of Australia. Not by our leaders.

1:10 AM  
Blogger Luke C Jackson said...

Good on those kids! Thanks for covering such an important event.

1:21 AM  
Blogger Donna said...

Thanks for representing us at the Strike Sue and for taking time out to record history in the making!

2:14 AM  
Blogger Sue Jackson said...

Thanks so much for your comments and the support Guys. It sure was a mighty event!

3:54 PM  
Blogger Lindab said...

Thanks Sue, this is great news about a fantastic movement, and the weather turned it on which is good. Your blog is perfect - more images than words, its true a picture tells 1000 words!

6:40 PM  
Blogger Sue Jackson said...

Thank you, Linda, for your feedback. I am so glad you liked the blog. I agree with you, SS4C is marvellous!

8:31 PM  
Blogger RosieMay said...

It was a good day. All those kids will be changed by this. Better than my pics i can tell you

2:42 AM  
Blogger Sue Jackson said...

Thank you for persisting and leaving a comment, Rosie. Yes, it is amazing to experience the energy and determination of the school strikers. Let's just hope that power listens to their pleas!

2:46 AM  
Blogger Jane Ellen said...

Hi Sue,
Great pics and love your work. I was there too and, boy, was I feeling the love for those kids.

5:05 AM  
Blogger Sue Jackson said...

Thank you, Jane, for your feedback. And I know what you mean. I think more and more people are appreciating just how hard it would be to be inheriting the earth at this point!

3:16 PM  

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